Rose Colored Glass
403 Commercial St, Stromsburg, NE 68666
(402) 764-8299
Many interesting businesses make their homes in Stromsburg, and a bunch are on that busy town square. The Rose Colored Glass wine tasting room is in the Victor Anderson Building in downtown Stromsburg. Anderson was an early Stromsburg visionary. When his 19,000-square-foot mortuary and furniture store was completed in 1913, the place included electric lights around the exterior edge of the building. That was at a time when electric lighting was still a new luxury. The business eventually closed and the lights that inspired pride in Stromsburg residents went dark for eight decades.
One hundred years to the day of when Anderson first lit the building, Rose Colored Glass owner and modern-day visionary Bob Berggren flipped the switch on his renovated Anderson building. More than 600 Stromsburg residents danced in the street out front when the new LED lights came on. The tasting room features 60 Nebraska wines and three Nebraska beers. A new patio and courtyard takes the party into the night. There are lights out there, too. 403 Commercial St.