Waverly is named after Sir Walter Scott’s historical novel of the same name. This town of approximately 3,000 people is situated 15 miles northeast of Lincoln alongside Interstate 80. Its proximity to the capital city makes it an ideal suburb, as well as a great launching point for adventures and exploration.

The meandering Salt Creek flows northwest of the town and Eugene T. Mahoney State Park on the banks of the Platte River is about 15 miles northeast. If you happen to be visiting April through December, consider stopping for a meal at Prairie Plate Restaurant. It’s one of several establishments serving mouthwatering meals made from locally grown and raised ingredients.

To learn more about visiting Waverly, contact the Lincoln Convention and Visitors Bureau at lincoln.org and (800) 423-8212.


Discover Activities in Waverly

  • Prairie Plate Restaurant

    Prairie Plate Restaurant in Waverly is a farm-to-table establishment that features super-fresh local and regional ingredients. The livestock they serve is pasture-raised. Most of the veggies come from their ...