Enders Reservoir State Recreation Area
73122 338th Ave., Enders, NE 69027
(308) 394-5118
The jewel of Chase County is Enders Reservoir State Recreation Area, southeast of Imperial near the town of Enders. The recreation encompasses 3,200 acres, of which Enders Reservoir is a 1,700-acre lake for boating fishing, camping and otherwise playing outdoors. Part of the area becomes a wildlife refuge in the fall and winter. Large flocks of mallards and geese winter on the open waters of the refuge. Anglers catch white bass, crappie, walleye, channel catfish and wipers.
The east shore has camping with electrical hookups, picnic shelters, grills, drinking water, restrooms and a trailer dump station. Hunting for big game, waterfowl and upland game is allowed on public property west of the refuge.